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Smoothie Time!

Strawberry Smoothie

Anyone who doesn’t like smoothies is just not to be trusted… they are insane! The creativity of flavor combinations, the colors, the smells, the taste, what’s not to love?! Well… if you are one of those people that buy them out on the street, maybe the price. It can get pretty costly to enjoy store bought smoothie on a regular basis, and don’t get me wrong… I will drink the crap out of a Smoothie King or Jamba Juice delicious blend, but between my smoothie obsession and my coffee obsession, I am at a loss 😦 A great alternative if you are trying to eat healthy, get your veggies and fruits in is to do your own juices and smoothies at home. You can even save yourself some work and do meal prep over the weekend by putting together all of your combinations in separate containers to have them all ready to blend. I will share with you a couple of my fave combinations hoping you will give them a try. Feel free to send me your favorite recipe so I can try that too!

The top pic has a basic strawberry, oats, honey, cinnamon, and almond milk smoothie… absolutely delicious and filling. Feel free to replace the almond milk for soy, nonfat milk or any other milk variation.

Mamey Smoothie

This next smoothie is made with an incredible delicious orange fruit called Mamey. I can never find the fresh fruit in a local market but some places carry the frozen pulp and it is AMAZING!!!! just blend some of the fruit pulp with oats, cinnamon, honey, milk and… Voila! It is heaven in your mouth!!

If you are more of a juice person or prefer water based smoothies, just grab your favorite vegetables and fruits and go crazy! Here are a couple of my basic blends:

Both of the above blends include spinach and carrots but one has pineapple and oranges that will be blended with water while the other has strawberries and will be blended with orange juice… SO DELICIOUS!!!!!!! Sometimes I add some ginger, beets, mixed berries, or guavas, but the options are endless! I just got hungry writing about this.

It is so hard have a balanced and healthy diet, especially when you are always on the go, so smoothies really do become your best friend when you get into the habit of pre-packing your blends. I actually keep a personal blender at work to be able to make my smoothies there as well… hey, whatever works right?

Stay True – Chantal

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